Monday, April 14, 2008


This week's blog topic is to discuss the forms of the short stories, "The Use of Force" and "The Dead". In "The Use of Force", the form used was a single scene in a single room throughout the whole short story, whereas in the short story "The Dead", the story follows the form of a multi-scene short story, in which an epiphany takes place. A short story's form is supposed to help the story get it's morals or message across to the reader. If the form is not effective enough, the reader might have a little bit more difficulty understanding what kind of message the story is trying to portray. In the short story "The Use of Force", the usage of a single scene as the form of the story aides in presenting the meaning to the story. The story itself is short and abrupt like the form of the story. The plot is simple, as well as the characters are simple. Without any major complications of a complex conflict, the simple single scene allows the reader to easily understand the meaning of the story. As for the other story, "The Dead", the form of the story complicates the meaning of the story. In this story, the form includes a historical attempt at connecting the reader to the story and it's message. For the reader not to understand or have any background of the story to jump in and conclude the message of the story is difficult and extremely unnecessary.

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